The Mind Series

This body of work aims to raise awareness of mental health issues by representing topics in thought provoking and moving pieces of abstract art. 

Each piece utilises a wide range of painting techniques on large scale canvases to try to show how the mind can work and provoke an emotional connection with the observer.  

Inner Child

Your inner child is a phrase used in therapy and counselling. It refers to us being stuck in our 'child' state of mind, which can rear its head in many different forms. Maybe it's fear of speaking to your parents because you think they'll shout at you or be disappointed, despite you being in your 50s. Maybe it's fear of committing to a relationship due to childhood trauma.
These traits can be shown in lots of different ways such as; Showmanship, humour, over confidence, fear or sadness. This canvas aims to represent the different traits someone may show as a result of past experiences, all circulating and orbiting around the rock in the middle - your inner child.



This looks at the feelings people can experience when they feel they are not being seen or listened to. We can often try extremely hard to be noticed, find appreciation or attention, but can sometimes feel like we are simply invisible.
This canvas shows a person leaning against a wall. Their expression is somewhat defeated as they camouflage into their surroundings. But they are trying hard to explode out from this wall and show who they really are.



Headspace has two meanings. Your general headspace and what's happening inside, and then the idea of finding space and achieving mindfulness.
This canvas represents the plethora of thoughts and feelings that can be stuck inside our minds, and the chaos of over-active thinking. In the middle however, is a singular point that we can try to focus on. It can either represent your desire for headspace, your ability to box your feelings and focus on a single point, or the idea of being trapped inside your own headspace and the area in the middle which is simply unachievable for some.


When it Rains

This piece tries to show how it can feel when you are swept up in your negative thoughts. Maybe if you have received some tragic news, or life has completely got on top of you. 

In these moments, we can feel like we are caught in a storm, the thoughts and negativity raining down on us, and an overwhelming sense of isolation. However, bad news does not always have to be seen as negative. When one door closes another may open, and despite the hardship you can still find the colour in the darkest of hours. 

Know your worth, see the light in the dark times and try to change your perspective on how the situation presents itself. Darkness can only be overcome by light.